While it's okay to hold onto some of things you learned in your previous jobs and use that knowledge in your new job, remember that every workplace has its own way of doing things. Your first few weeks or even months on a job is not the time to change the way things get done. Do not utter these words: "That's not how we did it at my old company." Your colleagues will just be thinking this: "Well, you're not at your old company and if you liked it so much why didn't you stay there."
The length of time it takes you to adjust to a new job varies from person to person, and job to job. While you may fit in immediately at some jobs, it may take a little longer in others. And some people seem to fit in immediately wherever they go. All you can do is try your best, and do your job the best way you know how. The following tips may help:
New jobs present many changes and challenges, and it's natural to feel stress over this. There are several things you can do to both relieve stress and combat its effects. Here are some suggestions in dealing with stress at a new job or in any other situation that requires change and adjustment:
Find Support: If you can, find support from people in your life. Talking about what's stressing you should help a lot.
Quick Stress Relievers: There are many ways to calm down quickly when you suddenly get blindsided by stress and feel overwhelmed. The following are a few quick and easy ways to regain your calm so you can deal with whatever situations are at hand:
Once you've been able to calm down, you should be in a better position to address whatever stressful situations you're experiencing. It's also a good idea to adopt a few regular stress relievers and healthy lifestyle habits so that you can reduce your overall stress level, experience less stress and are less bothered by the stressful situations you do encounter.
Have a Regular Stress Relief Hobby: Try to maintain some time in your life to do some stress-relieving in your life, so that you feel less stress overall--exercise, a hobby, or another regular practice that you enjoy.
Take Care of Yourself: If you're able to eat right, get enough sleep, and take vitamins, you'll be less worn down physically so you'll be less reactive to stress, and you'll be in better overall health.
People have deep attachments to their work groups, organizational structures, personal responsibilities, and ways of accomplishing work. When any of these are disturbed, a transition period occurs. During this transition, people can expect to experience a period of letting go of the old ways as they begin moving toward and integrating the new.
Source: About.com