Confidence comes with action and it is an amalgamation of doing basic "right things" that work together to make business come around.
it seems silly to interview when you have more candidates than jobs, but continue to do so in numbers and dig in a little deeper--where has the candidate interviewed, with whom have they been out on assignment, what employers have contacted them, who do they report to and to whom does their boss report? These are names, names that might be hiring. In times like these when the instance of hiring or needing supplemental staffing is less common, you must increase the number of chances to sell by increasing the number of potential hiring authorities on your prospect list. When you use interviewing as a means to gather market intelligence, you can, at the same time, cross reference the name to the profile of the candidate which can be used to target your marketing efforts on a go forward basis.
Going back to the files and pulling old applications is a target-rich source for names that were passed over when business was too brisk to pay attention to the details.
Everyone hates to check references - they seem like an annoying obstacle to placing a candidate. But in reality, every professional reference is not only another name, but a person you have a good reason to engage in conversation. Grab up a pile of unchecked references and get busy dialing. Your "connection" ratio will increase multi fold when you are calling about a professional reference. It is an easy transition to turn a call like this to the business of learning about the individual, their organization's needs and prospective opportunities. Go back through old checked references, and voila...more names.
Once you have a long list of prospective hiring authority names, cross referenced with the kinds of skill classifications that they hire, you can market great candidates on a more macro, but targeted, basis and reach a large number of prospective clients. Do a thorough job writing a profile of the candidate to market and what they can offer an employer, along with a compelling and persuasive overview of your experience and your firm's area of specialization. You will find that if you "hit the bulls eye," you will generate a business opportunity and if you present yourself in the right light, you might generate interest in your services for an alternate opportunity.
The adage - "It is a numbers game" has never been more true. The survivors of this downturn are the individuals and companies who leverage high volumes of data with high levels of activity to touch prospects on a frequency that "makes your own luck" by increasing your chances of being "in the right place and the right time."